There are a lot of books, documentaries and studies, devoted to Russian mafia. This article shows a European view of this criminal phenomenon, which scares the world.
Russian mafia structures are well known in Russia and in other countries (especially in the U.S., where the first Jewish mafia group had appeared before the Soviet Union collapsed). The world also knows the main representatives of Russian mafia: Japonchik, Superkiller, King of St. Petersburg, Lesha-soldier and many others.
Walter Kegö, former leader of the Swedish police, says, that Russian Mafia, increasingly settling in Sweden, is very intelligent: "They are able to use Swedish naivety, they also may be dangerous for the Swedish state welfare, undermining its resources. Due to the weakness of the banking system they have an excellent opportunity for money laundering". Walter Kegö is one of the authors of the report "Russian-speaking criminal groups in the European Union", written in the Stockholm Institute of Security Policy and Development, linked to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The theme of Russian mafia in Sweden is really popular in connection with the next stage of saving the plant of Saab Automobil. This brand would had disappeared from the market about 20 years ago, if it hadn't been bought by American General Motors. But when the economic crisis took place in the U.S., Americans got rid of most European companies, which brought more losses. The Swedish plant in Trolhettan near Gothenburg started to work at its half capacity and couldn't sell its cars at high prices. The plant closing could bring the reduction of about nine thousand jobs. The help came from Victor Muller, who managed to run the plant. It turned out, that Muller was headed by Russian oligarch Vladimir Antonov, who had been accused for having links with mafia and money laundering. The plant purchase and then getting rid of its assets could serve for legalization of suspicious things.
According to the report, Russian mafia in the countries of the EU consists of more than 300 000 people. Most of them are located in Germany and Poland. The report informs, that there are about 20 thousand people involved in the mafia, located in Poland and there are not only Russian criminals, but also Ukrainians and Belorussians.
The main mafia activity is smuggling, theft, prostitution, assault, drugs and black mail. In addition, some Polish experts have some doubts that the Swedish report indicates the correct data; they say, that no presence of Russian-speaking mafia was fixed in Poland.